About Us
I'm Jeanette Butler, Owner & Founder of Align
The Align journey began when I discovered meditation, crystal therapy and crystal healing as a means to improve my physical, spiritual and mental alignment.
I started my therapy journey at holistic and psychic fairs where I performed crystal chakra cleanses, balance and alignment treatments, and I was soon to discover I had a passion for selling the crystals too.

Buy Crystals Online
You can buy instore or online, where we stock an extensive selection of products for UK-wide delivery.
Whether you’re looking for crystals, crystal sets, jewellery, gifts and pendulums, or incense and cleansing products, we have a wonderful range to choose from.

Healing Treatments
We offer crystal therapy, reiki, chakra cleanses and medidation sessions, designed to relax and calm the mind, body and soul, to remove negative blockages which lead to stress, anxiety, illness and other emotional triggers.
By cleansing our energy centres, we can once again begin to make steps to fill our lives with joy, happiness and positivity.